Thurs 14th
Went to medical centre to paint door frames with John and a man called Mr Bin. Felt sick from paraffin inhalation.
Went to medical centre to paint door frames with John and a man called Mr Bin. Felt sick from paraffin inhalation.
Played with a girl called Winnie. Realised I had forgotten what the 3rd and 4th pigs do in ‘this little piggy went to market’.
New Luganda words learnt: Gulawo – Open
Myembe - Mangoes
Muembe – A mangoFri 15th
Tim arrived at the centre 10.30am. Good to see another mzungu.
Went to bar with internet. Talked to Rosie, Keren, dad (capital D??) and Laura on Skype. A man called Dennis told me I was talking very loudly and then told me I was 'really striking'. Thanks, I think. Swapped numbers. Mistake.
Beki Bayliss arrived at the centre in the evening for the weekend.
Sat 16th
Went to Speke hotel resort. Swanky. Wanted to swim but it was 20,000 shillings - £6! I wouldn't pay £6 to swim in the UK let alone in Uganda.
Beki tried to persuade me to go horse riding. She didn't win.
Went to Garden City in evening - western shopping centre. Met Beki's American missionary friends who are now my American missionary friends. Went for ice cream. (Imagine strong Texan accent here.)
Dennis rang. Told him I was busy.
Have known Beki for a day. Feel as though I've known her for a year.
Sun 17th
Went to Joy Kim's church with Tim, Beki and John. Expected to see congregation of adults. In reality, pretty much a sunday school. Good though.
Spoke at the front. Tried out my Luganda. They loved it.
Went to see Ndere Troupe dancing again in evening. Met Jonathan and his new girlfriend.
Large seed fell from the tree above us, narrowly missing Tim's head.
New Luganda phrase learnt: Mbera bu ge leeza - I am from England.
Mon 18th
Visited school in medical centre village. Headmistress said teacher off sick. Said I'd go and visit her.
Arrived at teacher's house. Didn't look that sick. Asked her what was wrong. Answer: Fatigue! Gave her a Pringle. She seemed to enjoy it.
Task from Tim: find a young lady in the village fluent in English. Found two. Task completed.
Ate yams for first and last time ever.
Picked up Beki. Played spot the mzungu in the car. Beki won 13:4. Dismal.
Beki and I invited to Americans' for evening meal. Sent text to say we were coming. Got to area and rang for directions but no answer. Had to find house by ourselves in dark and rain. (Power off) Eventually found house. Covered in mud. They'd never received our text and had just finished eating. Gutted. Played cards and ate Oreos.
Tues 19th
Tim drove me to 'Tell-Em PR' to ask for job. Had to ask people for directions. Difficult when there are no road names. Said no but gave email for CV.
Beki asked her work if they needed a PR person. Said they may do and will discuss in meeting on Thurs!
Dennis rang. Told him I was busy.
Met John and Sophie for tea. Of all things, discussed what the word 'geek' means. John said he would like to be a geek. Tim said he would like to be more of a geek. What?!
New Luganda words learnt: Oyinza okunya mba ko? - Can you help me?
Bambi - please
Simba - plant (Swahilli - Lion! How lazy were the writers of The Lion King?!)
Sula bulungi - Sleep well
Wed 20th
Went to Kabira Country Club near home for internet. 'Security' level interesting since bombs. Whole car checked on way in.
'Can you open the glove compartment?'
'No, it's locked and we don't have the key.'
'Ok go in.'
'Can I look in your bag?'
Opens bag and peers in yawning.
'Walk through the security machine please.'
'Just go in.'
Met Jonathan and Mary for lunch. Man came selling copied DVDs, including but not limited to 'Children Learn English', 'Animal Farm' 'Country Classics' and 'Sensual Nights' which apparently you can watch with your girlfriend or boyfriend.
Went to Garden City to the book store. Had notebook taken off me as I entered. Apparently there were others in there that look similar! I don't think they will be written in though will they??
Bought 'The Essentials of Luganda'!
Probably going to campsite tomorrow until Monday.