Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Next Chapter

The new workshop before renovation...
This week will be a busy but exciting time for me as I embark on life in a second Alli Wano workshop and start three new sewing classes.

...And after a fresh lick of paint by the landlord

I’ll be working alongside The Uganda Down’s Syndrome Association (TUDSA) to provide sewing classes to parents of children with Down’s.

I held a meeting for the mums (and one sister) recently to introduce myself and my passion and vision for the project. I explained that I have a sister with Down’s Syndrome and they were intrigued to see photos of us together in England. They seemed to really appreciate an outsider coming into their world who had an idea of the struggles and joys of this reality.

Adding some African trimmings

We will be having classes of 4-5 people every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until the end of November at least, and the syllabus will be slightly different from the pilot class with Suubi House. Monica and I will be teaching more traditional tailoring skills as well as introducing some new products such as upcycled/customised second hand clothes.

Excitingly, three of the graduates from the first class will also be coming to teach on the areas they have each specialised in. I hope this will be an encouragement to the new students as they see that they too could be teaching in just a few months time.

Elvis wouldn't get off the curtain
material we were trying to use!
While I was working with one of my ladies at her home this week, one of her friends, Shaida, popped in with her three year old son Elvis. He really is such a cutey but unfortunately cannot yet walk or talk. As Shaida can’t afford to take Elvis to a clinic for assessment I am going to support her to do this and hopefully organise some speech and physical therapy if appropriate.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Fran,
    The Lord is really using you for a marvellous work.Your Mum would be so proud of you,Lots of Love and Prayers.Joan Charlesworth.
